Having the proper seating and positioning products on your mobility device is critical to a comfortable and active lifestyle. Our team of Assistive Technology Professionals (ATPs) have decades of experience in the seating and positioning discipline and are up-to-date with all of the latest technology and practices. We'll work with you and your therapy team to come up with the best solution to ensure optimal posture, skin quality, and function.
Having the proper seating and positioning products on your mobility device is critical to a comfortable and active lifestyle. Our team of Assistive Technology Professionals (ATPs) have decades of experience in the seating and positioning discipline and are up-to-date with all of the latest technology and practices. We'll work with you and your therapy team to come up with the best solution to ensure optimal posture, skin quality, and function.
A lift chair can be an easy and simple solution to keeping your independence in your home. Designed to assist the user with
sit-to-stand transfers, it can also recline to a horizontal position for a comfortable rest. We offer a wide variety of designs and styles to match any living room decor.
Having the proper seating and positioning products on your mobility device is critical to a comfortable and active lifestyle. Our team of Assistive Technology Professionals (ATPs) have decades of experience in the seating and positioning discipline and are up-to-date with all of the latest technology and practices. We'll work with you and your therapy team to come up with the best solution to ensure optimal posture, skin quality, and function.
A lift chair can be an easy and simple solution to keeping your independence in your home. Designed to assist the user with
sit-to-stand transfers, it can also recline to a horizontal position for a comfortable rest. We offer a wide variety of designs and styles to match any living room decor.
Standers are therapeutic, adaptive equipment, or standing aides for children with physical disabilities. A stander is a frame that holds the child in various positions, including upright, prone, and supine.

The Bantam line of standers are the only sit to stand standers that can combine the option of supine positioning to create infinite positioning possibilities from 90- 90 sitting, fully vertical standing, full supine lying and anywhere in between.
Key Features
Full body support system
Gradual range of motion
Accommodates individuals up to 54"
Form to fit blocks available
3 different sizes
Explorer Mini
Designed to support development, the Explorer Mini is an ergonomic device with multiple weight-bearing surfaces to help promote safe, stable upright postures while providing opportunities to improve strength, endurance, and postural control.
Key Features
Front-wheel drive
Joystick control for independence
Adjustable/removable saddle seat
Base width of 19"
35lb weight limit

The Leckey Freestander is an upright standing system for children and teens designed to offer a variety of adjustable supports to provide comfortable postural positioning at the chest, hips, knees, and feet.
Key Features
Unique positioning pelvic belt
Easy-to-clean fabric
Strong, height adjustable frame
Ideal of ages 1-18yrs old
3 different sizes
A standing frame that supports an upright standing position with the center column in front of or behind the child. Modular components can be clicked quickly and easily on and off to meet an individual's changing needs.
Key Features
Dynamic standing for easy movement
Growth adjustable accessories
Sandals and knee supports options
Suitable for children up to 70.75" tall
3 different sizes

Rabbit Up
The Rabbit Up is a truly adaptable stander. It offers the users the freedom and opportunity to move about and explore using the two optional driving wheels. The Rabbit Up enables the child to be an active participant while stimulating senses and providing the child with more independence.
Key Features
Angle adjustable center bar
Large wheels optional
Multiple support options
Camber angling center
4 different sizes

Mobile Stander
The Mobile Stander provides new independence and standing mobility. This Mobile Stander helps strengthen critical motor skills so a user can progress toward independent standing.
Key Features
Soft, fleece support strap
Lockable, large wheels options
Accommodates 65" young adults
Extra wide for more support
4 different sizes

MYGO Stander
The multi-positional Leckey Mygo Stander is a versatile standing therapy solution that grows with your child, giving upright, prone, and supine standing configurations all in one standing system.
Key Features
Adjustable and versatile
Multiple positional supports
Improves motor abilities
Supine shoulder support
2 different sizes

Prone Standers
Perfect for use in any classroom, therapy room, or at home, the Leckey Pronestander gives individuals postural support combined with the benefits of standing therapy in their daily lives.
Key Features
5 prone positions from 45-85 degrees
Unique pelvic positioning
Improves social interactions
Promotes bone health
3 different sizes

Squiggles Stander
An ideal choice for the classroom or at home with a wide range of optional components available to create a customized active seating system for your child. Also available with dynamic options to accommodate tone and spasticity.
Key Features
Infinitely adjustable for every need
Available with seat springs
Tilt-in-space and high/lo base available
Optional armrests
3 different sizes

Squiggles Stander +
The Squiggles Stander + is noted for being low to the ground. This is ideal for encouraging socialization and interaction at eye level while offering interaction offering unsurpassed support, adjustability, and easy storage. This item has always been easy been
a standout when it comes to happy parents and happy children.
Key Features
Prone, upright and supine standing
Hip abduction of up to 60 degrees
Knee supports to distribute pressure
Hip and chest width 6.3"-9"
48lb weight limit

Super Stand
The most versatile standing system available, Superstand works as a Prone, Supine or Upright Stander without the need to purchase additional parts. Changing positions is as simple as changing from the headrest to the chin support and simply reversing the tray.
Key Features
Fully adjustable
3" plastic casters on base
Cotton support harness
7 frame colors available
2 different sizes

The Zing MPS is the only multi-position stander that pivots two directions, allowing the unit to go from flat-to-load supine to 20supine 20oo prone in one motion. There is no need to transfer the user in and out, flip pads, foot plates and trays.
Key Features
30-degree leg abduction
Multi-adjustable tray available
Transfer height of 31" from floor
Prone position lockout
2 different sizes